Tricia Crocker, treasurer, handed out copies of a budget-year-to-date report (attached). Tricia noted that we are nearer to the percentage of budgeted donations received matching the percentage of the budget year elapsed. Tricia noted that gifts have been sent to three of twelve groups. Arthur David Olson reported that our Friends Fiduciary Corporation investment has been transferred from its Consolidated Fund to its Green Fund.
Tricia handed out copies of a second reading of our 2018-2019 budget (attached). Tricia noted that the budgeted donations are hopeful, but does not believe they are fantasy. A projected rent reduction from this year’s projected total reflects holding more events at places other than the Dance Exchange. We approved the 2018-2019 budget. Tricia undertook to present the budget to Adelphi for its approval.
Arthur David shared a letter (attached) from Charles W. Walton and a draft reply (attached). We approved sending the reply on behalf of the meeting.
We heard of a suggestion to develop a flier for the meeting for use on bulletin boards. An electronic version of our existing brochure is available. We heard a suggestion that language for the flier be agreed to before it is designed. Susan Rogers undertook to draft language, based on the current brochure. Mackenzie Morgan has volunteered to work on the meeting’s web site; this work may provide some visual elements.
Arthur David passed out copies of a list (attached) of current service to the meeting, in preparation for a first reading of nominations next month.
Arthur David reported that at the most recent Adelphi meeting for business there was a first reading of Tricia Crocker to serve as Takoma Park treasurer and Adelphi Assistant Treasurer for Takoma Park.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on 11/25/2018 at the rise of meeting, or at the call of the presiding clerk.
Tricia Crocker, presiding Arthur David Olson, recording