Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 6/25/2017 at the Dance Exchange in Takoma Park, Maryland. We heard queries and advices from the 2013 draft Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on personal resources. We heard of difficulty in convincing others to adopt sharing ways, even when we are able to do so ourselves. We heard of how the skill of lumberjacks can be seen in the simplicity of the tools they use; perhaps our stewardship can be gauged similarly. We heard of when, with retirement, we get to change from being careful stewards of the money we earn to careful stewards of our time. We heard of how use of gifts from God might be seen as “regifting,” and of how we might instead give gifts to others as God has given gifts to us. We heard of how giving may lead to reciprocation; while we may not want to give manipulatively hoping for reciprocation, we can give with the intent of building connection.
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