Tricia Crocker, treasurer, handed out copies of a budget-year-to-date income and expense report (attached). We remain on course to receive budgeted donations for the budget year. We accepted the report.
Craig O’Brien reported that a summer institute is to be held at the Dance Exchange; they’ll be here on our 7/9/2017 and 7/16/2017 meeting dates. We agreed to visit other meetings on 7/9/2017 and meet at the home of Tricia Crocker on 7/16/2017.
We agreed to begin paying $20 per month to the Dance Exchange for storage, beginning next month.
Craig asked for a volunteer to serve as back-up administrator for our new web site and various associated accounts; Tricia undertook to serve as back-up administrator.
We considered web site content. We authorized posting of minutes and attachments; Tricia undertook to eliminate information identifying where funds are held from future treasurer’s reports. We are comfortable with posting requests to hold people in the Light on the web site. Craig undertook to learn whether we might ease our mailing list coordinator’s work using newly available features. We authorized purchase of new inserts for our meeting sign to show the new web address (among other changes); Craig undertook to contact Erik Hanson about insert logistics and then purchase the sign.
Arthur David Olson reported that Adelphi Friends Meeting has accepted our offer of a $10,000 gift for their meeting renovation project; Tricia undertook to transfer the funds.
We heard a request for weekly singing; we agreed to sing weekly.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next 7/23/2017 at the rise of meeting, or at the call of the presiding clerk.

Craig O’Brien, presiding; Arthur David Olson, recording