Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 1/27/2019 at the Dance Exchange in Takoma Park, Maryland.
We heard queries from Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on meetings for worship. We discussed spoken ministry and how to discern whether a message is from the Spirit. We heard of the difficulty of sensing where other members of the meeting are spiritually in their silent worship. We also heard about preparation for meeting for worship and arriving on time and unrushed.
Tricia Crocker, treasurer, handed out copies of the treasurer’s report for the month (attached). We accepted the report.
We discussed preparation of a spiritual state of the meeting report. We noted that to submit the report in time, a second reading is needed in March and a first reading in February. We agreed to use next month’s second hour to discuss the queries for the spiritual state of the meeting report. We asked the recording clerk to facilitate distribution of queries to prepare for that meeting.
We continued discussing the wording of a flyer about the Meeting to be posted on bulletin boards and in businesses and agreed to consider the final wording next month.
We discussed how to welcome newcomers, based on material from FGC. We decided we did not need to order this material.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on 2/24/2019 at the rise of meeting, or at the call of the presiding clerk.