We heard a concern that hymnals purchased for the meeting’s use might be unsuitable given both the nature of the arrangements and the lack of diversity in the repertoire. We heard a sense that the hymnals need not be the ones we use exclusively. We heard a desire to accept the hymnals in the spirit in which they were given. We will use the hymnals or not as led. We heard of no problems with continuing to sing on a weekly basis.
Tricia Crocker, treasurer, handed out copies of a budget-year-to-date report (attached). About 90% of budgeted donations have been received about 82% through the budget year. We accepted the report.
On a second reading, we named Tricia Crocker to serve as Takoma Park treasurer and Adelphi assistant treasurer for Takoma Park from 12/1/2017 through 11/30/2018. Arthur David Olson undertook to have Adelphi consider Tricia’s nomination.
We heard a first reading of Mackenzie Morgan to replace Erik Hanson as Adelphi liaison.
Tricia undertook to bring a copy of a renewed Dance Exchange lease to our next preparative meeting.
We heard a first reading of gifts to Quaker and community groups, each of thee ten groups receiving $160:
Shepherd’s Table
CASA de Maryland
Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform
Village of Takoma Park (earmark: Parents of Special Needs Adults)
Scholar Chips
William Penn House
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Friends General Conference
Friends Peace Teams (Earmark: African Great Lakes Initiative)
Right Sharing of World Resources
Tricia passed out copies of the second reading of our 2017-2018 budget (attached). The budget’s rent figure can be met if we sometimes have shared meals and second hours at places other than the Dance Exchange; the figure also reflects projections of weeks we won’t be using the Dance Exchange at all (Dance Exchange summer institute days and holidays). We approved the budget for forwarding to Adelphi.
We heard of a fee-based service that would allow for on-line donations to the meeting; Craig O’Brien undertook to bring information about the service to our next preparative meeting.
In light of our large meeting place fund, we changed our reserves policy to call for keeping one-third of our annual operating budget in unrestricted reserves; Tricia undertook to prepare a budget for Adelphi’s consideration that reflects this change.
We made preparations for the 10/1/2017 street festival (and that day’s worship).
Craig undertook to prepare material on the meeting to be used on the Dance Exchange’s web site.
Ellen Sarrett distributed postal mail.
We heard queries and advices from the 2013 draft Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on youth. We heard of the value of following the old Quaker advice to “let your life speak” when dealing with youth. We heard of the challenge of working with youth in a prison environment, where their immaturity can make it difficult to incorporate them in to groups. We heard a desire to steer gang energy productively. We heard a sense that techniques developed to work with youth can be leveraged to benefit the community as a whole.
We heard, improved, and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next 10/22/2017 at the rise of meeting, or at the call of the presiding clerk.

Craig O’Brien, presiding

Arthur David Olson, recording