Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 9/20/2020 through a Zoom audio/video connection.
Tricia Crocker, treasurer, distributed copies of the treasurer’s report for the period ending 9/20/2020 (attached). Rent is paid through July. We accepted the report.
We had a first reading of the budget for 2021 (attached), with a second reading to follow next month.
We approved Tricia Crocker to serve as Treasurer with a term of one year commencing 12/1/2020.
We agreed to modify the budget to reduce contributions to Quaker and community groups to $750 in each category. This would allow $150 to be contributed to each of five groups in each category.
We now have a Zoom account.
We will hold a second hour on the meeting place fund next week (Sept. 27) following the 1:30 worship sharing.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on October 18, 2020, at 1:30, or at the call of the presiding clerk.
Arthur David Olson, presiding
Victor Thuronyi, recording