Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 8/16/2020 through a Zoom audio/video connection.
We heard queries from Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on Outreach. We heard that with stay-at-home and social distancing, outreach is a challenge, although still possible, and role modelling our Quaker faith and practices can be useful.
Tricia Crocker, treasurer, distributed copies of the treasurer’s report for the period ending 8/16/2020 (attached). We accepted the report.
Tricia Crocker reported that a Zoom account would be available for $15 per month and we authorized the Treasurer to purchase a zoom account for the remainder of the year using outreach funds.
We had a first reading for Tricia Crocker to serve as Treasurer with a term of one year commencing 12/1/2020.
We discussed the possible need to reduce gifts for both Quaker and community groups, given that donations are behind. We plan to discuss specific amounts of gifts next month in light of budget projections.
We plan to hold a second hour in September on possible uses of the building fund.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on September 20, 2020, at 1:30, or at the call of the presiding clerk.
Arthur David Olson, presiding
Victor Thuronyi, recording