Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 9/22/2019 in the library of Takoma Park Presbyterian Church in Takoma Park, Maryland.
We heard queries from Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on the social order. We heard of the challenges in organizing for social action and finding time for service.
Tricia Crocker, treasurer, handed out copies of the treasurer’s report for the month (attached). We accepted the report.
We had a second reading for Tricia Crocker to serve as Treasurer (and assistant treasurer of Adelphi ex officio) for the term 12/1/2019 to 11/30/2020. The nominating committee of Adelphi will be informed.
We had a first reading of the budget for FY 2020 (Dec. 1, 2019 – Nov. 30, 2020). We anticipate a second reading next month.
We discussed whether to continue holding our meeting for worship in the library of Takoma Park Presbyterian Church. Because of concerns due to limited parking spaces, the church has requested that we start meeting for worship ½ hour after their service begins, which would mean 11:30. This may be late for some people. Parking is also a concern.
We decided to hold over this decision until a called meeting for business on Oct. 13, when we could also have input from other attenders.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on 10/13/2019 at the rise of meeting, or at the call of the presiding clerk.
Arthur David Olson, presiding
Victor Thuronyi, recording