Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 7/17/2022 in the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church library in Takoma Park, Maryland. We heard and responded to the seventh set of queries from Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s Faith and Practice, on caring for others.
Tricia Crocker, as treasurer, handed out copies of a year-to-date financial report (attached). We accepted the report.
We considered gifts to community groups. Tricia handed copies of information on groups (attached). We heard a first reading of these gifts of $120 each to five groups: CASA de Maryland; Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform; National Alliance on Mental Illness Montgomery; Shepherd’s Table; and Small Things Matter.
We heard a request for insights on who might serve as treasurer for the coming budget year, in anticipation of a first reading of treasurer at our next meeting.
We heard, improved, and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on 8/21/2022 at the rise of meeting, or at the call of the presiding clerk.
Tricia Crocker, presiding Arthur David Olson, recording