Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 5/23/2021 through a Zoom audio/video connection.

We heard queries from Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on Personal Way of Life.  We heard that the reference to “avoiding judicial oaths” might be anachronistic.  We heard of experiences in avoiding employment that conflicts with values and seeking out activity consistent with them.  It was suggested that the Faith and Practice Committee might consider some of these points.             .

Tricia Crocker, treasurer, presented the budget-year-to-date treasurer’s report for the period 12/1/2020 to 5/23/2021 (attached)..  We accepted the report. 

We approved the list of Quaker organizations to which we would make contributions in 2021 ($150 apiece to FCNL, FGC, Friends Peace Teams, and Right Sharing of World Resources).  We will consider community groups at our next meeting.

We approved the spiritual state of the meeting report for 2020 (attached).

We discussed our in person and virtual activities and decided to continue much as we have been, but with greater flexibility on doing more in person, the details to be decided.

We heard and approved these minutes.  We adjourned, to gather next on June 20, 2021, at 1:30, or at the call of the presiding clerk.

Arthur David Olson, presiding

Victor Thuronyi, recording