Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 12/19/2021 at the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church after rise of meeting for worship.
We heard and discussed queries from Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on the environment.
We noted that Adelphi Friends Meeting has approved Tricia’s Crocker’s service as Treasurer and accepted our 2022 budget.
Tricia Crocker, treasurer, presented the year-end treasurer’s report for fiscal year 2021, as well as a year-to-date report for the period 12/1/2021 to 12/19/2021 (attached). We accepted the reports.
We approved a charge for community group liaison on second reading, as follows:
The community group liaison handles communications between the meeting and the community groups the meeting supports financially. The liaison also keeps the meeting informed of the activities of community groups of interest.
We approved the following service positions for the meeting for calendar 2022 (except for Treasurer, which has already been approved):
Presiding clerk: Arthur David Olson
Recording clerk: Victor Thuronyi
Treasurer: Tricia Crocker
Festival coordination: Tricia Crocker
Farmers Market project coordinator: Mary Jane Muchui, Tricia Crocker
Second hour coordinator: John Knight
Children’s program: Arthur David Olson, Mary Jane Muchui
Adelphi liaison: Victor Thuronyi
Presbyterian Church liaison: Victor Thuronyi
Community group liaison: Susan Rogers
Postal mail pickup: Ellen Sarrett
Electronic mailing list maintainer: Tricia Crocker
Backup greeter: Arthur David Olson
Web maintainer: Mackenzie Morgan
We noted a communication from the Indian Affairs Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting transmitting a proposed minute on Indian Boarding Schools and Healing Legislation and placed this matter on the agenda for our next meeting.
We decided to include the following in announcements about in-person meetings:
We urge attenders to receive all covid vaccines for which they are eligible, including boosters, to protect both themselves and others.
We decided to hold a holiday gathering on Jan. 9 virtually, given concerns about the omicron variant.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on January 16, 2022, at the rise of meeting, or at the call of the presiding clerk.
Arthur David Olson, presiding
Victor Thuronyi, recording