by tpfm | Dec 23, 2017 | General
There will be meeting for worship at the usual time and place both tomorrow (12/24) and next Sunday (12/31). However, there will not be any after meeting activities.
by tpfm | Aug 6, 2017 | General
Baltimore Yearly Meeting (“BYM”) of the Religious Society of Friends (“Quakers”) urges U.S. leaders to resist any temptation to a military strike against North Korea. The use of military force on the Korean peninsula would cause massive loss of life and other horrific...
by tpfm | Jun 5, 2017 | General
Our new website is (obviously) now up and running. We are working on adding content bit by bit. We hope to make in really cool, while simple and peaceful at the same time. Until then, join us every Sunday at 11:00 AM for silent worship.