July Meeting Changes

The Dance Exchange will be hosting a “Summer Institute” for two weeks in July. Due to increased activity caused by this, we have decided not to meet at the Dance Exchange on 7/9 or 7/16. On 7/9 Friends are encouraged to visit other area meetings. Our...

5/28/2017 minutes

Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 5/28/2017 at the Dance Exchange in Takoma Park, Maryland. We heard queries and advices from the 2013 draft Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on social concerns. We heard a concern that the queries separate...

Actions to Address Climate Change

These are suggested actions for friends to take to help address climate change. Some of these actions will be harder for some friends to take than for others. Friends will have to decide for themselves which actions to take, and it is not expected that all friends...

Spiritual State of the Meeting, 2016

As expressed in a second hour meeting on 2/19/2017 And improved on in meetings for business on 2/26/2017 and 3/26/2017 As a small meeting, we lack the committees and structure that some Friends are used to. However, the small size provides a simplicity and intimacy...

Quakers and Jazz

Join us at the Takoma Park Jazz Fest this coming Sunday (6/11). We will have a booth in front of the gazebo stage on Carroll, approximately across from Amano. If you have any questions about our meeting or Quakers in general, just come by and ask. Or just come by and...