Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 7/19/2020 in the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, Takoma Park, Maryland. Some participants were present in person; others through audio/video connections. We last met on 3/15/2020, intervening meetings having been skipped due to pandemic closing.
We heard queries from Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on Caring for others. We heard about some of the challenges involved in doing this.
Victor Thuronyi (Adelphi Friends Meeting (AFM) liaison) reported that AFM accepted our spiritual state of the meeting report at its business meeting held 4/19/2020.
Tricia Crocker, treasurer, distributed copies of the treasurer’s report for the period ending 7/19/2020 (attached). We accepted the report. We plan to consider possible budget amendments at our next meeting if needed, in light of projected contributions and expenses.
We decided to continue our in-person meetings for worship, and to develop a plan on how to configure if more than the allowed number (currently six people) show up. The in-person session would be followed by a zoom session.
Those attending should wear a face covering. No one should attend if they are experiencing a fever, cough, or any other symptoms of coronavirus, or suspect that they might have been in contact with someone having coronavirus during the past two weeks.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on August 16, 2020, at 1:30, or at the call of the presiding clerk.
Arthur David Olson, presiding
Victor Thuronyi, recording