Tricia Crocker, treasurer, handed out copies of a budget-year-to-date report (attached). Tricia noted that we’ve fallen behind on percentage of donations collected compared to percentage of the budget year elapsed. Tricia has made a second quarterly apportionment payment. Tricia continues to limit total spending for the year to total donations received in the year. We accepted the report.
We heard first readings of these nominations, all through 12/31/2018: Arthur David Olson, presiding clerk; Victor Thuronyi, recording clerk; Tricia Crocker, Adelphi liaison; John Knight, second hour coordinator. Those with insights or concerns can be in touch with the presiding clerk.
Craig O’Brien provided results of and analysis of our survey of what was important to folks in a worship group. Fifteen useful replies were received (as well as one completely blank reply). In brief: starting times of 10:00 and 11:00 are more popular than 9:00; weekday meetings are not of interest; an unprogrammed meeting is more popular than a programmed meeting or a meeting with some programmed elements; there was an overall positive response to having an informal worship group, but also for opportunities to socialize, engage in social projects, and do committee work; there was a positive response to continuing adult religious education, a mixed response to having a children’s religious education program, and a more positive response to continuing affiliation with Baltimore Yearly Meeting; there were very positive responses to having a meeting space without distractions, having a meeting space that can be reached by public transportation, and having a diverse groups. Respondents were generous with their comments in response to questions about what would make them more or less likely to attend.
Craig has created a correlation matrix for the replies received, noting that, for example, importance of social activities is negatively correlated with importance of silent worship. None of the correlations seemed surprising to Craig.
We heard a sense that, given the length of time we’ve been at the Dance Exchange and the distractions here, there may be space options available now that weren’t available when we started here. Tricia undertook to assemble a group to investigate space options.
We agreed to let folks know we’re open to a meeting time of 10:00, 10:30, or 11:00 and to consider our starting time at a future meeting for business.
We agreed that the results of the survey do not suggest a change in our unprogrammed meeting format at this time.
Arthur David Olson reported that an invitation to Adelphi folks has been appearing in Adelphi’s silent announcements.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on 6/24/2018 at the rise of meeting, or at the call of the presiding clerk.
Craig O’Brien, presiding
Arthur David Olson, recording