Tricia Crocker, treasurer, handed out copies of a budget-year-to-date report (attached). Tricia has paid for insurance for the year; Tricia continues to limit total spending for the year to donations received. Tricia noted that with the cancellation of the jazz festival, funds budgeted for that festival can be used for another purpose. We accepted the report.
Tricia reported that the Dance Exchange’s Summer Institute is coming up on 7/8/2018 and 7/15/2018, with differing levels of disturbance expected on those days. We were led to nonetheless meet at the Dance Exchange on both days.
On second and final readings, we named these people to these positions through 12/31/2018: Arthur David Olson, presiding clerk; Victor Thuronyi, recording clerk; Tricia Crocker, Adelphi liaison; John Knight, second hour coordinator. John shared a leading to devote second hours to close readings of poetry and Bible passages.
Tricia reported a current matching grant offer enjoyed by the Dance Exchange; timely gift by either the meeting or individuals will be doubled. Tricia undertook to notify folks on our mailing list of the situation.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on 7/22/2018 at the rise of meeting, or at the call of the presiding clerk.
Craig O’Brien, presiding
Arthur David Olson, recording