Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 3/24/2019 at the Dance Exchange in Takoma Park, Maryland.
We heard queries from Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on the meeting community. We heard that it was difficult to us to arrange visitation for each other given our small size. On the other hand our small size does enable us to get to know each other member of the meeting. We heard that open sharing calls for each of us to identify our needs.
Tricia Crocker, treasurer, handed out copies of the treasurer’s report for the month (attached). We discussed the limitations of cash accounting. Our Treasurer will contact the Yearly Meeting about accounting for pledges. We accepted the report.
Half-page flyers about this meeting are now available.
Adelphi Friends Meeting has made a sign up sheet available for visitors to this meeting.
We approved the draft spiritual state of the meeting report with changes, for forwarding to Adelphi Friends Meeting.
We heard and approved these minutes. We adjourned, to gather next on 4/28/2019 at the rise of meeting, or at the call of the presiding clerk.
Arthur David Olson, presiding
Victor Thuronyi, recording