by tpfm | Apr 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
Yesterday I announced that I will be resigning from my positions as presiding clerk and Quaker discussion coordinator, effective June 24th (June Worshipful Business Meeting). We need nominations for people to fill these positions. We will be using our Quaker...
by tpfm | Apr 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
The agenda for worshipful business meeting on Sunday, April 22nd is as follows: Treasurer’s report Review of request to Adelphi Review of proposed survey Clerk nomination Quaker discussion leader nomination If there are any other items that should be on the...
by tpfm | Apr 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
The Quaker discussion for Sunday, April 15th will be a continuation of our reading of the Spirit of Quakers, by Geoffrey Durham. We will read a short section of the book and then discuss it. You don’t need to have a copy of the book to participate, and as...