Takoma Park Friends Meeting-Preparative gathered on 10/18/2020 through a Zoom audio/video connection. 

Tricia Crocker, treasurer, distributed copies of the treasurer’s report for the period ending 10/18/2020 (attached).  We accepted the report. 

We approved a second reading of the budget for 2021 (attached), with a change from the draft to increase congregant aid by $70 and donations by $70.

We approved giving to Quaker and community groups ($750 to each set) as shown on the attached document.

We heard that we plan to consider positions for Meeting service on a first reading next month.

We heard and approved these minutes.  We adjourned, to gather next on November 15, 2020, at 1:30, or at the call of the presiding clerk.

Arthur David Olson, presiding

Victor Thuronyi, recording